by KNSC Reviews
पूरी दुनिया इस वक्त climate change की समस्या से जूझ रही है। हर साल, लगभग हर दूसरा देश drought, earthquake आदि जैसी समस्याओं का सामना करता है।
Climate Change के प्रति जागरूकता होना आज की date में need बन गयी है, World Environment Day पर यह Bollywood Movies देखना न भूलें।
Movie is concerned about the topic of wild life conservation and human wildlife conflicts.
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Movie Highlights the impacts of technological advancement on Birds and animals.
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Movie is inspired from the true events of Bundelkhand regions and highlights impacts on Farmer of climate change.
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This movie highlights the issues of groundwater contamination due to chemical elements released by Factories and Powerplants.
This movies is based on the water and climate issues in Kachchh Gujrat.
Movie is based on the Bhopal Tragedy that happened in 1984.
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